Longobardi in Italia

The serial site “Longobards in Italy".

Places of Power (568-774 A.D.)”, inscribed since 2011 on the UNESCO World Heritage List , includes seven important monumental complexes (including fortified centres, churches and monasteries), located throughout the peninsula, which testify to the high artistic level reached by the Longobards. The process of cultural synthesis carried out by the Longobards, integrating classical-Roman tradition, the spirituality of Christianity, Byzantine influences and Germanic traditions, marked the transition between antiquity and the European Middle Ages.

The monumental and artistic developments of the assets of the series testify to the extraordinary process of cultural interchange and integration between the original High Germanic experiences, local customs (Roman and Byzantine) and the contributions of Mediterranean and Eastern areas. The site is managed by the association Italia Langobardorum, of which are members the municipalities where the assets included in the UNESCO WHL are located: Cividale del Friuli, Brescia, Castelseprio, Spoleto, Campello sul Clitunno, Benevento and Monte Sant’Angelo.